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Martin Luther king day 2025 trading schedule

Please note that due to the US Martin Luther King Day holiday in the United States on 20th January, the time of trading sessions of the following instruments will be affected as follows:

Asset classInstrument20 Jan 2025
ForexFX PairsNormal Hours
CryptosAll CryptosNormal Hours
MetalsXAUUSDEarly close 21:25
MetalsXAGUSDEarly close 21:25
IndicesWS30Early close 19:55
IndicesNAS100Early close 19:55
IndicesUS500Early close 19:55
IndicesJPN225Early close 19:55
Future IndicesYMEarly close 19:55
Future IndicesESEarly close 19:55
Future IndicesNQEarly close 19:55
EnergiesUSOIL / CLEarly close 21:00
EnergiesUKOIL / BBEarly close 21:00
US SharesAll US SharesClosed

Note: All times are in Sever Time (GMT+2)

Please also be aware that due to low liquidity available in the market during the holiday period spreads might be wider than usual and there may be reduced or unusual volatility in the market.
